Friday 4 November 2016


How do you think the artists made each of these sculptures? What materials did they use?
Which is your favourite sculpture? Why?


  1. The artist thought what he wanted to make and started with the legs and then did the head.

    The artist used metal,sand,toys,glass and wool.

    I like the shark sculpture because it's made out of sand and I like sand.

  2. I liked all of them. But the dog is my favourite because it has got lost of materials

  3. 1. Metal
    2. Sand
    3. Toys
    4. Glass
    5. Paper clips

    My favourite is the Sand Shark because it is scary.

  4. Statue: It is made of metal and the colour is black.
    Shark: It made of sand.
    Hoers: It is made of toys and stickers.
    Basket Ball Game: It made of sliver foil.

    My favourite sculpture is the man who is about to falling down.

  5. 1) First sculpture is made of metal
    2) shark sculpture is made of beach sand
    3) Dog sculpture is made of old toys
    4) Fourth one is made of packaging tape
    5) Fifth one is made is of old slippers & shoes

    I liked the packaging tape sculpture because it looks like it is made of ice and I like to play with Ice !!!

  6. What materials would you like to use to make a sculpture?

  7. Made of:

    3)plastic toys
    5)coloured fur

    My favourite was the dog because it was colourful.

  8. Falling man is made out of metal.
    The shark is made of sand.
    The dog is made out of stickers and toys.
    The basket ball statue is made out of plastic and paper.
    The teddy bear is made out of lots of slippers.
