Saturday 6 December 2014

Setting Description

How many adjectives can you think of to describe this underwater setting?
Can you write a descriptive sentence about the setting using your adjectives?

Friday 24 October 2014

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Goldilocks is going to write a letter to the three bears. What should she include in her letter?

Friday 12 September 2014

This is the Bear

Which is your favourite 'This is the Bear' book?
Why do you like this one the best?

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Science Investigation

Mike was standing on a bridge and wanted to give Pam a sweet, but Pam was standing under the bridge. Mike decided to make a parachute to help send his sweet to Pam safely. Mike has a bag of different materials that he can use. What material do you think would be best and why?

Try making your own parachutes at home.

Friday 9 May 2014

Bathers at Asnieres by Georges Seurat

Have you noticed that all of the people in the front of this painting are looking in the same direction.

What do you think they are looking at?
Remember to use imaginative adjectives!!

Thursday 10 April 2014

An amazing astronaut adventure

Once upon a time there was a junior astronaut called Fred. Although Fred was only 6 years old, he was already an excellent astronaut. He was a kind, helpful and thoughtful astronaut. He was also very clever; always solving tricky problems and thinking up new adventures. Fred lived with his family on a planet far far away called Purpeal. The planet Purpeal was purple, always hot and made of cheese.
One day Fred climbed into his terrific, enormous rocket and blasted off into Space. He was happily looking out of his window when out of the blue a loud alarm started buzzing and the lights in his rocket started flashing. Suddenly ...

What happens next? Can you finish the story?

Friday 14 March 2014

Friday 28 February 2014

Fantasy Setting Story

Imagine your story is set here - can you write an interesting story beginning?
Think about the setting (what you can see, feel, hear, smell). Remember to use amazing adjectives!

Friday 14 February 2014

How would you describe this character?
Can you think of at least 3 adjectives to describe what he looks like?
Can you think of any words to describe what he's doing? (Action words are called verbs.)

Thursday 30 January 2014

One morning you wake up and look outside your window - this is what you see...

How many adjectives can you think of to describe the scene?
Please choose 1 or 2 words and write a sentence about what you can see.

**Remember to use a capital letter to start your sentence, finger spaces and a full stop at the end. **